St. Germain & Aupperle has extensive experience with commercial clients with a wide array of commercial market services. Whether your business is growing into a new space, in need of a new storefront, or improving an existing building; we understand that the physical home of a business impacts reputation, productivity, and revenue, and must be delivered as expected and on budget. S&A has broad commercial experience including the following project types: Retail, Office, Banking, Hospitality, Adaptive Re-Use, Building Expansion, Franchise Templates, Renovation, Mechanical Unit Support, Owner's Representation, Feasibility Studies, Calculation Review, Load Review, Design-Build Partnerships, Pedestrian Bridges, Shopping Malls, Strip Centers, Auto-Dealerships, Pre-Engineered Building Foundations, Monumental Signage, and Displays.

A 300-foot-long steel truss structure that spans over Hiawatha Boulevard in Syracuse, NY.

A new two story building comprised of office space, conference rooms, and a lab.

New one-story building occupied by Verizon and Summit Federal Credit Union featuring a drive-up teller and ATM located in Township 5.

Escalator design, tenant build-outs, restaurant build-outs, and signage support.

Wine and spirit retail space with a large tasting area located in Township 5.

New 4,300sf building addition and renovations to the existing building.

Corporate Headquarters building that featured offices, conference rooms, labs, and manufacturing spaces.

Renovation and remedial construction to existing building included masonry restoration, a new elevator, two new stairs, and replication of both entrance porches.

Hotel Renovation in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Building addition with a new front entrance and signage.

7,500sf renovation that brought six different dining experiences to the Turning Stone Resort Casino.