St. Germain & Aupperle has a long history of serving community projects, Libraries, Fire Stations, Churches, Charities and Recreation Centers are all frequent clients. We provide Structural Design, Feasibility Study, Condition Assessment, Masonry Restoration, Structural Rehabilitation, Renovation and Expansion services. S&A understands the budgetary, service and continuous operation requirements that fall on many of these community organizations and we focus our effort on providing long term solutions within these guidelines for the best interest of our client and the entire community.

Renovation and expansion project of the Food Service and Culinary Education Center in Syracuse, NY.

Designed steel beam and columns to support the cable and net system for the Amur Leopard Exhibit Enclosure.

New 15,000sf, two-story, four-bay firehouse that includes a full kitchen, sleeping quarters, full turn-out gear room, and a common area.

This project renovated the existing building to feature dressing rooms, offices, and storage. The existing stagehouse was demolished and reconstructed. Also a new third floor was added on top of the existing building.
-Holmes King Kallquist & Associates, Architects LLP (Photos ©Don Cochran Photography)

Removal and replacement of existing deteriorated floor to support fire trucks.
A new firehouse that provides ample amount of room for the fire trucks and gear. This building also features a kitchen, exterior gathering area, and a community hall.
Masonry restoration of parapet structure on Jefferson Street. Complete tear-down of existing stone veneer, provided new CMU and concrete back-up, and installed flashing as stone veneer was replaced.

A 42,000sf building consisting of the sanctuary area and the education wing which are connected by a centralized lobby.